Bahamut Lagoon
Trans. Notes

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  • Tomato's Stuff
  • This section lists the various characters in the game, their unique points, their personalities, and how I attempted to translate their text to make them all sound unique.

    Translating personalities and dialects is one of the perennial problems of translation, so this might be interesting to many people out there. I'm 500% sure most people won't realize the differences in speech I gave each person, but oh well. In Japanese it's easy to make people sound different and give people their own personalities which are distinguishable with ever-so-slight differences in speech, but in English everybody talks the same so this is very hard to bring to translations, unless you have one guy talk like Yoda, another like Mr. T, another like a redneck, and another like a Jamaican guy. Anything less subtle than those kinds of dialect-type styles will probably be lost on the reader, so that's why I'm putting this page up - for people to figure out what I meant everybody to be like.

    Here's Byuu, the main character. I don't think he has any dialogue of his own, save perhaps for choices you're allowed to make when responding to people. I didn't really do much with that text though, other than making it sound normal. I had to get each text choice on its own single line, so there were 1 or 2 times where I had to struggle to keep the text sounding the same as the original. Just one of those technical issues game translators have to live with.

    Here's Yoyo, the princess of Kahna, and the so-called "Dragnar". I actually have a lot to say about the title "Dragnar", but I'll throw that in a different section sometime. Anyway, one of the weak points of this game's story is definitely in Yoyo's character, at least in my opinion. She's just plain stupid, and although that's not a problem in the plot, her dialogue and stuff was so stupidly written I wanna barf. She's like this mega idiot blonde girl, she gets kidnapped and is scared of her powers. I dunno, you'll just have to see for yourself how uncreative the writers were.

    Anyway, I didn't have to try too hard to bring across her ditziness. She does talk like a girl though, so I tried to bring that forth - but if you ask specifically how that is done, I can't answer very well. Not all girls talk similarly in English so I tried the best I could.

    Palpaleos is a general of the Empire, and Emperor Sauzer's best friend. He plays a big part in the plot, but his dialogue isn't all that spectacular, and the way he talks isn't all that out of the ordinary, so I basically just tried to make his text sound natural. Of course, everybody talks different depending on who they're talking to, who else is with them, etc., so when I say I tried to make it sound natural, I mean depending on each situation.

    Sendak's an old man (yes, he's a man for those who have doubts). He's kind of like an old advisor for the king and Yoyo. Being an old man, he speaks in a definitely old-man manner in the original Japanese. It's hard to bring that across in English without using voices, so I tried to first draw out his sentences as much as possible, since old people do tend to ramble on a lot. Luckily, this fits in with another quirk in his personality - that he rambles and complains a lot. He also talks/thinks to himself a lot. To help accentuate his rambliness I decided to not let him use many contractions in his speech. Whether or not this was a good idea I don't know, but I tried to be consistent at least.

    And yeah, I don't know what's up with him, he does seem a little too attached to Byuu. I'll leave any inferences to the player.

    Matelite is the head of the knights of Kahna from what I can tell. He's a big loudmouth and rude. These kinds of personalities are always fun to try to translate, because it's at least possible in English translations. In contrast to Sendak and Taicho, I let Matelite use lots of contractions and quicker-sounding speech. I'm sure most people won't notice it anyway, though. For the most part, the content of his dialogue makes up a big part of his personality, the way he says it is only the icing on the cake. I like to think I did a reasonble job with him, though I'm sure some would want to disagree.

    Bikkebakke, Rush, and Truce apparently were all just barely surviving before Byuu let them into Kahna's dragon squad. Because they're so similar in character and always hanging around each other, I tried to keep the style of all three pretty close together. And since they're kind of young and not especially intelligent, I try to have them talk kind of quick, and with lots of contractions and things like "gonna".

    Bikkebakke himself looks up to Byuu, almost as kind of an older brother. He often refers to Byuu as "aniki" in the Japanese version, but that shows familiarity than anything else, in this case (IMHO). Because of this word, some people who don't know a whole lot of Japanese think Bikkebakke is Byuu's little brother, but this is not true. Watch out for people who pretend to know Japanese.

    Rush hangs around Bikkebakke and Truce a lot. He's really headstrong, and doesn't like to think too much. Hence the name, I suppose. Anyway, he reminds me of a hyperactive kid in his late teens, so I tried to make him come across as such. Hope it worked.

    Truce. It took a lot of time to pin down a good transliteration of his katakana name, but I think this is most likely what it should be. I've seen people call him Tulus or Toulouse or Taurus, but I don't think any of them are quite right.

    Truce seems to be the less hyper of the three, to me at least. I hope this comes across. I'm worried a lot about inconsistencies in his language that might creep in. In old, old versions of the script he talked a little too stiff. If this is still anywhere in the script, it'd be in the first few chapters. Hopefully I eliminated these inconsistencies.

    Taicho is/was the captain of the army of Mahal. Unfortunately the Empire kicked the crap out of them and now Taicho is out of a job, home, and wife.

    Taicho's dialog style was difficult to decide on. In the end, I decided that since he's a captain, and since he ends everything with "dearimasu", that I should make him sound like a stiff-talking army guy. So his text will sound really stiff. I'm betting that people who don't realize this purposely-made decision of mine will chalk up his stiff-sounding text to a bad translation/translator and/or bad editing, but they don't know the truth.

    At any rate, I'm concerned the most about Taicho's dialog, because there were some major inconsistencies in his text in early chapters in early versions of the script. If he suddenly starts talking normal, let me know, because he's not supposed to sound normal.

    One of the main things that is lost in translation if his text is his "de arimasu". It's kind of like his signature "word", but in translation that word is lost. Normally that might not be so important, but there are a few times when people are making fun of him, or when he's talking and the game doesn't tell you he's talking, you can just tell it's him from the "de arimasu". But in translation that's gone, so it makes things harder. I've tried my best to keep things working, but this is just one of the problems any translator will have to face. I could always go the Pokemon route and have him say "Taicho Taicho!!" at the end of every sentence, but then I would have a mob and the flaming torches and the biting and the kicking...

    Gunso is a heavy-armor knight under Taicho. He apparently has some weird scratching problem - I'll leave any possible reasons up to the player. I tried to keep his dialogue between normal and Taicho-level stiffness. It varies but not by a whole lot.

    Barclay is another heavy-armor knight under Taicho's command. His text is a little less stiff than Taicho, because of little side-story stuff that happens later in the game.

    Didn't do a whole lot with her character, as she has VERY few lines in the game. I just made her sound normal.

    Same as Anastasia, I didn't do a whole lot with Diana's text.

    Ectarina seems like a shy girl, and very unstable. So I tried to bring that forth.

    She seems to be way too hooked on medicine. I tried to at least make her sound like it, although in reality I didn't have to do much.

    Um, there's not a whole lot to say about her. She serves the queen of Campbell, so when she DOES talk I try to make her sound elegant and/or official, but she doesn't talk a whole lot.

    Melodia is a little girl. It's pretty easy to make people sound like little kids, because we have little-kid talk in English too. She hangs around the Mini-Devils a lot, and in a way she even looks kind of like them. (not so much in battle though) I think I did okay with her text, though there might be a few places where I could have made her sound more kid-like than I did.

    Just like Joy, Nelbo serves the queen of Campbell, and as such I tried to make her fit that character in her dialogue. Of which there is VERY little of.

    Anyway, Nelbo = :) IMO

    Zora's an older woman, and I guess she serves Princess Yoyo. She isn't all that graceful or anything, and she's pretty rough. She yells at people a lot, not to mention occasional physical violence. I tried to bring this coarseness out. She's a mother of one of the other characters, so I tried to make her sound like a strict, middle-aged mother.

    Lukia is a light armor knight. She's kind of playful in a kissy-kissy sort of way. I think you know what I mean. Anyway she also seems like a big loudmouth to me so I tried to put that into her dialogue.

    I don't know a whole lot about Jeanne, but people mention she's sort of tomboyish in the game, so I tried to make her sound like that.

    Reeve is a Lancer. Together with his friend Frenze, he does a lot of showing off of his lancing skills.

    Frenze's name was hard to figure out too. In the end I'm glad I chose this one, it's short and isn't too funky. Character-wise, he's just like Reeve, so there's not much to say.

    Donfan was my favorite character to work on. Translating his text was hell, but making it sound good was real fun. I'm sure most people will agree a lot of his scenes throw in a lot of much-needed humor to break up the over-monotonous monotony of the story. Maybe it'll make some people laugh out loud even. I'd be real happy if it did.

    Anyway, the first thing I should point out that his name in Japanese can be seen as a rendition of "Don Juan". He certainly fits the character, sort of. The reason I chose Donfan was two-fold: that was what I called him from the start, and changing his name later on would suck, and the name "Don Juan" doesn't fit too well in this game, in English, IMO. Of course, calling him Donfan isn't exactly wrong either, it's a perfectly allowable rendition of his katakana name. In the end it's just a choice the translator will have to make, and I chose Donfan. I think most people will like this one better. And if not, you should stick bananas in your ears.

    I tried to make his speech really wild and corny. I hope people appreciate his text style. My only concerns are that maybe early in the game his style will be slightly inconsistent with his style later in the game. I'll hopefully have had that fixed up by the final patch.

    Also there's his trademark line, it's a bugger to translate. Ah well.

    Zora's Son
    Zora's Son doesn't give his name (right away), probably because having Zora for his mother really screwed him up in the head. Character-wise, he seems like a kind of innocent guy who had the unfortunate luck of having a real monster of a woman for a mother. So he's kind of timid, and I tried to put that into his text.

    Manyo is one of the Mini-Devils. There's not a whole lot to say except these guys are weird. I think they're really into death and praying to gods of death and stuff. Actually you don't know about that until maybe midway of the game. When I got to that text I was like, "WTF." Anyway, my only decision was how to make the text in parentheses sound - should I make it sound weird, like caveman talk, or just normal, like normal subtitles? In the end I chose normal subtitle-type text.

    See above. Nothing special here.

    See above again. Bleh.

    Wagahai's a Mini-Devil who thinks he/she is better than the others. I'm not quite sure about a couple lines this Mini-Devil says inside the ship (you'll see what I mean, I need to analyze those lines more), but this Mini-Devil is definitely proud. So the other Mini-Devils eventually get fed up with it, and then.... you'll just have to play ;)

    Sajin is a ninja-for-hire. He doesn't say a whole lot, so I didn't put a whole lot of effort into making him his own style.

    Zeroshin is another ninja-for-hire. He's extremely shy, and always writing letters back to his mother. I didn't need to do much with his text, the content of his text speaks for itself most of the time.